A septoplasty is performed to correct a deviated septum, which is a structure made of bone and cartilage separating your nostrils.
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Septoplasty Quick Details
People with a deviated septum which causes difficulties breathing and may cause trouble sleeping.
The treatment takes between 30 - 90 minutes, but depends largely on the complexity of your case.
The swelling will take around a week to subside, and around 3 - 6 months for recovery to be complete and your results to be visible.
Change in the appearance of your nose
Affected sense of smell
Septal hematoma
Reaction to anaesthesia
How Much Does a Septoplasty Cost?
The overall cost of a septoplasty depends on the doctor you choose and the country in which you have the treatment. Below, we've outlined average starting prices at different destinations. Bear in mind though, that these are not fixed or guaranteed and may vary based on a number of different factors.
Country | Price (EUR €) |
Czech Republic | €350 |
Poland | €1,700 |
Thailand | €2,180 |
Croatia | €2,192 |
Turkey | €3,940 |
How Does It Work?
When planning a septoplasty, as a first step you will have a consultation with your surgeon. There you will need to discuss your medical history and current health to determine your eligibility and best surgical option. We can also help you get a specialist assessment - get in touch with us anytime.
You should consider the following:
Are you on any medications?
Do you have any pre-existing conditions?
Do you smoke?
Depending on these factors, you may be advised to interrupt your behaviour for a few weeks prior to the surgery to ensure the best possible outcomes.
What Does a Septoplasty Involve?
A septoplasty surgery involves straightening a deviated septum, by repositioning or restructuring it and the surrounding cartilage. A deviated, shifted or crooked septum occurs when the septum is significantly shifted off from the center. This results in breathing difficulty, and thus also affects sleep.
The surgery involves the following steps:
You will receive intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia before the surgery.
The surgeon will start by making an incision within your nasal cavity. Following this, the nasal lining covering the septum is carefully removed.
The deviated septum is repositioned and straightened to the midline. Finally, the nasal lining is placed back and the incisions are sutured closed.
What Should You Expect From a Septoplasty?
Usually, a septoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure. After the surgery, you will have packing (such as gauze) placed inside your nose to provide support during the healing period. You may also have a nasal splint to provide extra support in case of a more complex case. The packing is usually removed by a day or two after surgery, and the splints will remain for a few days depending on your case.
Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication.Do not buy aspirin or related over-the-counter medications as they may have detrimental effects. Lastly, getting successful results is also dependent on your recovery so make sure to adhere to your surgeon’s instructions.
Can a Septoplasty Be Combined With a Rhinoplasty?
It is possible to combine a septoplasty with a rhinoplasty. In many cases one surgeon will perform both, and in other cases two different specialized surgeons will perform the surgeries. The recovery time will be the same. It is necessary to discuss this beforehand during your consultation and the final treatment plan is made based on your individual case and needs.

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