Ovarian Drilling
In this article, we will discuss the laparoscopic procedure called ovarian drilling or diathermy, which is used to treat women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that occurs in women of reproductive age and can lead to irregular periods and difficulties conceiving.
We will explain what the drilling or diathermy procedure is, how it works, and what women can expect if they choose this fertility treatment.
The content has been reviewed for quality and accuracy to the best of our knowledge by Qunomedical and its Medical Board of Experts.
Illustration of the female reproductive organ.
Illustration of the female reproductive organ.
Before / After Photos
How Does Ovarian Drilling Work?
Here is how an ovarian drilling procedure works:
You will receive general anaesthesia before the procedure begins.
Ovarian drilling is a minimally invasive surgery, and the surgeon will start by making a small incision near your belly button.
Then, some carbon dioxide will be passed through a small tube to inflate your abdomen. This is done so that the laparoscope can be inserted, without harming the other internal organs.
Following this, surgical tools will be inserted through the small incision. These will be used to make (‘drill’) tiny holes in your ovaries using lasers or electrical cautery. The principle behind this is to reduce androgen producing tissue in your ovaries. This restores the normal endocrine environment in the ovaries, and can help regulate your cycle.
Lastly, the tools will be taken out and your incision will be closed.
What Should I Expect From This Procedure?
Ovarian drilling is a last resort procedure in most cases with PCOS. Additionally, it comes with a risk of reducing the number of eggs and initiating early menopause. Hence, it is important to have an open discussion and consultation with your doctor before deciding on the procedure. Ovarian drilling may regularize your cycles for the long term, or even improve your responsiveness to fertility medication. But, it many cases it is not a permanent solution.

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